Each item under the Invalid Paths consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the parameter's name and value;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Invalid Fonts consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the font name and referenced file name;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Obsolete Start Menu Items consists of two lines (parts):
- the registry key with obsolete menu item;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Invalid Application Paths consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key with the application exe name;
- the problem description;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Invalid Help Files consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the help file name and path;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Invalid Shared DLLs consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the invalid shared DLL file path;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Auto Run Programs consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the name, description and path of a program in auto start registry key;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Unused Software Entries consists of two lines (parts):
- the registry key with obsolete software entry;
- the suggested correction.
Each item under the Invalid Known DLLs consists of three lines (parts):
- the registry key;
- the alias, description and file name of invalid DLL;
- the suggested correction.
Different parts of an item can have different font colors:
Registry key and simple text - black font color;
Registry parameter - blue font color;
Invalid value- red font color;
Suggested correction - font color depends on the type of correction (see below).